Saturday, February 5, 2011


Today I felt like I was really on my own.  I couldn't talk to Boyfriend when I woke up, and we didn't have a plan for talking for the day - real long distance relationship lesson 1: always have a plan!  It is surprising to me how little I know about the mechanics of a long distance relationship.  Boyfriend and I always prioritize each other and always make it work such that the 3 long hours that separate us never seem significant.  Of course, unless it's 4am and I'm on my way back to work, but it's always completely worth it and what's normal for us at this point in our relationship.  This study abroad of his, however, is a completely different animal.  No consistent cell phone use, no consistent email access, no 3-hour max separation.  Instead, we're dealing with a pesky time difference and no way to make a rescue hug be only 3 hours away until March 9th when I arrive for my visit.  This started sinking in today and I'm not a fan.

In order to counteract this realization, I have spent the past two nights fully enjoying my weekend.  Friday I graded papers for the class that I am teaching, and tonight I began the long and tedious process of getting my house to a normal, healthy standard of clean that human beings should be able to enjoy on a daily basis.

Surprisingly, these past two nights have helped me realize something significant: I am more OCD than I like to lead on, even to myself.  Since moving in this summer, I have cleaned my shared bathroom my fair share of times, however, it wasn't until I was washing my Bathroom Cleaning Gloves for the third time with handsoap like they were my own skin that I realized how particular I am about cleaning.  I use my Bathroom Sponge on the sink only, doing half at a time.  I wash my Bathroom Cleaning Glove hands before and after each step of the cleaning process.  I suppose the beloved Danny Tanner from my childhood days of Full House has some competition.  Before grading, I organize my students papers into alphabetical piles by assignment, completing one assignment before moving onto the next.  I double-check their answers and my tally of points before marking the grade.  I duly check the grades one final time and my alphabetization before entering the grades into my excel grade sheet.  Tedious paperwork, especially education-related, makes me happy.  I suppose the steps you take encourage you to really learn about yourself when you feel as if you're re-learning how to walk.

Boyfriend: I hope that you're having a fantastic time in London, but beware of the knife-juggling tighty whitey men.  I love you to sideways eight, always.

Possibly my most favorite picture of Boyfriend, because I miss him :: Harpers Ferry, WV

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